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“The Fits”: How to fit into society

“The Fits”: How to fit into society

“The Fits”: How to fit into society

“The Fits” is a 2015 film by Director Anna Rose Holder. It follows the story of a young girl as she explores what it means to be a girl in her world. She is torn between the world of boxing that she knows and the area of dance that is new to her. The film overall is intriguing in all off its parts.
The cinematography by Paul Yee is astonishing and captivates every second of film, whether it is busy or calm every moment seems to have importance. Often times the camera holds on mundane actions and we get to relish in the time spent with the characters. The close ups on little motions are where the cinematography truly shines as it is so much more than just nice wide shots.
The music is also astonishing as it builds with the film and showcases a hidden layer of emotion behind the characters. Danny Bensi and Saunders Jurriaans bring a unique perspective to the score and soundtrack in two ways. The first is through the clarinet as it builds throughout the film. At the beginning it is uneven and falters, it slowly improves and the solo clarinet improves as the characters train. The music also plays a thin line between diagetic and non diagetic as many times it seems to be making a commentary on the stories.

The acting and directing overall is at a very high level. All of the main characters feel fleshed out and many times we just spend time quietly with the characters as they perform menial tasks in their lives. These actions inform us on the true feelings of what a character is feeling inside. Many times the main character Toni will go back and forth between common ideals of feminism as she fights with her own identity and the actor plays the struggle well.

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