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What to do after Black Panther

What to do after Black Panther

What to do after Black Panther

If you are like me, you completely fell in love with the World of Wakanda. But what can you do other than going to see the movie 6 more times because I know you want to. But, if you are going to see it again give IMAX a try because you do get about 25% more screen in all the big action scenes and it’s beautiful.

Now I’m going to give you some recommendations from interviews to artwork and everything in between of just awesome Black Panther things!


The first and one of the best parts is the music in the movie. From the score my Ludwig Goranson and the accompanying score by Kendrick Lamar. Give it a listen and definitely add it to all of your playlists.


Soundtracking is an amazing podcast to get into as it matches a good interview with the music they discuss in the background. It allows you to make the connections between what you hear with music and words. The score and soundtrack are a must listen so give it a hear.

In a lot of interviews, the creators don’t go into spoilers so that they can appeal to the largest audience but don’t doubt the people that are out there opening weekend and now want to hear everything. Empire did a deep dive into this movie with the Ryan Coogler and it’s awesome to hear some more behind the scenes info.



Behind the Scenes is the best place to start because you can get an appreciation for all of the hard work that goes into the making of the movie. Seeing all the people in front and behind the camera truly gives you an appreciation for the movie.


If you don’t already know, Black Panther is a Marvel Comics character and while first introduced in the 1960’s, he has a long and storied past that is similar and different to what you see in the movie.

Bless Rachel Morrison. You may know her as the recent first woman to be nominated for an Academy Award in cinematography and here she talks about her work and making her craft.

When watching the movie, you notice that everything you see is slightly different in the costumes and the design. That all comes from Afrofuturism, an art movement that mixes fantasy and science fiction with African ideals at its core. Using the African perspective at its core it showcases a new side of a continent not really explored by many.

While costuming is important, there are many different people working on the film and they each bring many things to all the work they put into. The jewelry is just one part of the overall look but it does make an impact.

But even better than the jewelry is the costumes and you have to give so much love and appreciation to Ruth E. Carter. I would say more but just listen to the way she gave so much attention to the work she did for this movie.

And even the music of the film. I’ve already shown you a lot but now let’s take a deep dive into Wakanda with the composer Ludwig Goranson and see how he made this beautiful music.


Now let’s get into the cast, everyone delivers a really special performance. They all have nuances and allow for a creative side of each actor to come forward. Some you know from other movies and some you don’t but they all stand out as individuals and part of the whole in this movie.

And now let’s give some love to my two favourite characters in the movie. Shuri and N’Jobu. While having small parts they really make an impact.

And keep on going, the director is the one who brings the entire movie together and every time you hear someone talk about Ryan Coogler it just is so nice and familiar. Nothing more than good things to say and listen to him talk about the beautiful casino fight scene.

And the director isn’t the only person creating the vision for the movie, so did the writer and to create this large and epic story while keeping it grounded in its characters must have been challenging.

And to close off the videos, take a look at the Purple Carpet Premiere and listen to some other Marvel cast members and my favourite character in the movie hands down. King T’Chaka.


And with any fandom, the fan art online is nothing but breathtaking. A lot of these artists put in hours and hours of work. Give them some love by checking them out and giving a like or two






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